天候にも恵まれ、心温まる横須賀市にお住いの素敵な家族の一員である、美しい毛並みを持つ猫ちゃんの送り出しをさせていただきました。少しでも楽しい旅立ちとなるよう、お手伝いをすることができて光栄です。愛猫との別れはとても辛いものですが、涙の数だけ美しい思い出が心に溢れています。今まで共にしてきた家族の一員に「ありがとう」という言葉を贈りつつ、これからは天国から家族を見守っていると信じています。慈しんだ猫ちゃんの穏やかな眠りと、ご家族の心に平和が訪れることを心からお祈り申し上げます。 .
We were blessed with fine weather and were able to send off this beautifully furred cat, a member of a wonderful family living in the heartwarming city of Yokosuka. We were honored to be able to help make this journey as enjoyable as possible. Saying goodbye to a beloved cat is very painful, but our hearts are filled with beautiful memories in proportion to the number of tears. As we send our "thank you" to the member of the family that we have shared with until now, we believe that he will now be watching over the family from heaven. We sincerely pray for the peaceful rest of the beloved cat and for peace to come to the hearts of his family. .