皆様、心温まるお知らせがございます。この度、私たちの「**訪問ペット火葬 ペットメモリアル神奈川**」は、より心に寄り添い、皆様に愛される場所へと生まれ変わりました。本日より、社名に新たな想いを込め、ロゴを一新。皆様にとっても、より親しみやすく、安心してご利用いただける訪問ペット火葬となるよう価格体系も見直しました。
大切な家族を見送る際に、心のこもったお別れができるよう、私たちが全力でお手伝いさせていただきます。どうぞ、新しい「**訪問ペット火葬 ペットメモリアル神奈川**」にも変わらずご愛顧を賜りますようお願い申し上げます。
We have some heartwarming news for you all. Our "**Visiting Pet Cremation**" has been reborn as a place that is closer to your heart and loved by everyone. Starting today, we have redesigned our logo with a new message in our company name. We have also reviewed our pricing system to make our visiting pet cremation more familiar and safe for everyone.
In addition, we will wholeheartedly support your precious pets, who were part of your family, so that they can rest in peace. In order to eliminate any anxiety when using our service, we will adhere to the policy of "clear prices, no additional fees." Don't worry, the price will not increase at the door (purchase of memorial goods is separate). In addition, there is a possibility of a small discount when paying.
We will do our best to help you say a heartfelt farewell when you say goodbye to your precious family member. We hope that you will continue to patronize the new "**Visiting Pet Cremation Pet Memorial Kanagawa**".