天国への扉 ペットメモリアル 神奈川
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Due to the maintenance of the cremation vehicle, today is a quiet day at the Pet Memorial Kanagawa office. The president's passionate love for animals is a hot topic within the company, and he often says, "There are no bad people who love animals." Talking to him, I once again realize how much passion our love for animals has poured into our work. Every time I hear him talk, I am reminded of the importance of animal welfare, and at the same time, I feel like I want to do my best to bring warmth to people during this cold season. However, it's hot...

The love for animals is naturally conveyed to each and every staff member, and this feeling is reflected in their daily work. Today, while concentrating on administrative work, it was a good opportunity to think wholeheartedly about what we can do for families and pets. We will continue to work hard to ensure that this place remains a special place for animals and their families.

President,,, I heard that story just now?

Is that a common thing?


