天国への扉 ペットメモリアル 神奈川
LINEからお問い合わせ 料金表はこちら

🐾 皆さまの大切な家族、ペットとの最後のお別れを、心を込めて...

🐾 皆さまの大切な家族、ペットとの最後のお別れを、心を込めて...


🐾 皆さまの大切な家族、ペットとの最後のお別れを、心を込めてサポートします。弊社ペット火葬は、横須賀の自然に囲まれた穏やかな場所に位置し、心穏やかなお別れが可能です。海外からのご来場にも対応し、言葉の壁を越えた温かなお見送りを心がけております。



🐾 We will wholeheartedly support you in your final farewell to your precious family and pet. Our pet cremation center is located in a peaceful place surrounded by nature in Yokosuka, allowing you to say a peaceful farewell. We also accommodate visitors from overseas, and strive to provide a warm farewell that transcends language barriers.

Sudden expenses can be a big burden on the heart. At the time of settlement, we offer a small discount and strive to be of some help to your family. We also offer discounts for referrals from veterinary clinics, so please feel free to contact us.

We will do our best to support you during this difficult time. We will protect the dignity of your beloved pet to the end and give them a peaceful final rest.


