天国への扉 ペットメモリアル 神奈川
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Under a clear, sunny sky, we held the funeral of Ren, a toy poodle who was a precious member of the family. Ren had provided his family with infinite love and healing throughout his life. For that, the family shed tears of gratitude and affection. I feel that these tears were a testament to the deep love and bond they had for Ren. We pray for the repose of Ren's soul, who lived a happy life.

Pet Memorial Kanagawa wholeheartedly helps you say your final goodbyes to your beloved pets. We strive to respond quickly and courteously so that you can use our services with peace of mind. If you have any concerns or questions about pet funerals, please feel free to contact us. We will help your family's precious pets pass away peacefully.


横須賀市から寄り添う葬儀会社 横須賀市で支える愛犬との最期

