天国への扉 ペットメモリアル 神奈川
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The world of pets is also a treasure trove of tastes. Just like us humans, pets use the taste buds on their delicate tongues to detect the flavor of food. The five all-pervasive basic tastes—salty, sour, sweet, bitter, and umami—are identified by activating these sensors with the chemicals of food dissolved in the mouth. It is as complex as a symphony of nature.

But there are also interesting differences in the way pets taste. For example, dogs can detect sweet, salty, sour, and bitter tastes, but they do not detect umami as clearly as humans. On the other hand, cats, while having other tastes, are said to have little or no sweetness. For cats, sweetness is a bit of a mystery.

As you can see, pets have their own world of tastes, and it is important to choose food that suits each species. Let's learn together about the mysteries of pet taste.


