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横浜の風に包まれて、小さな命の大きな旅立ち… 🐾 今日は、金...

横浜の風に包まれて、小さな命の大きな旅立ち… 🐾 今日は、金...


横浜の風に包まれて、小さな命の大きな旅立ち… 🐾 今日は、金沢区で愛されたハムスターのりんちゃんのお見送りを行いました。家族の一員である彼らを思う気持ちは、人と変わりません。彼らが過ごした日々、仲良く遊んだお友達との時間、すべてが美しい思い出として心に残ります。りんちゃんが愛された涙の数は、私たちが見守る中で、優しい愛情の証となります。どうか穏やかな永眠を… 🌸



Wrapped in the winds of Yokohama, a small life embarks on a big journey... 🐾 Today, we said goodbye to Rin-chan, a beloved hamster in Kanazawa Ward. We think of them as members of our family just like people do. The days they spent together, the time they played together with their friends, all remain in our hearts as beautiful memories. The number of tears Rin-chan shed as she was loved will be a testament to our gentle love as we watch over her. May she rest in peace... 🌸

Pets are family. That's why we put our hearts into our final farewells. We will visit you from Yokosuka to all over Kanagawa Prefecture to support you in saying goodbye to your beloved pets. With our hearts praying for their souls and our sincerity in respecting them, inquiries are always free.



