天国への扉 ペットメモリアル 神奈川
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We helped with the funeral and cremation of a hamster pet in Miura City, Kanagawa Prefecture. We often hear owners say, "He was fine just a moment ago," but perhaps the animals are trying not to show us any signs of this. The owner cherished the time before his death and showered his pet with love until the final farewell. We believe that his pets are always watching over him from the other side of the Rainbow Bridge. We pray for his soul to rest in peace.
Pet Memorial Kanagawa, a pet cremation service, is based in Yokosuka City and provides a pet cremation service throughout Kanagawa Prefecture. We handle a variety of animals, including dogs, cats, hamsters, rabbits, and reptiles, and strive to provide support that respects the feelings of pet owners.


横須賀市で支える愛犬との最期 横須賀市で寄り添う愛猫の旅立ち

